Diagrams Overview

1 minute read

Following directory contains all of the digrams used to provide modelling for GXP platform.

Editing and Using

To edit diagrams use app.diagrams.net and chose “Github” as a source of your diagrams.

This will allow you to open and create diagrams directly in git. Every will allow you to save diagrams into git and create revision history.

Additionally you can download and use DrawIO Desktop App and update diagrams directly in this folder.

After you have committed the files pipeline will upload them to google drive into a public folder, so that you can embed them into pages.

When diagrams are uploaded to google drive they will be assigned an ID you can get ID of you new digram from gdrive_diagrams_list.txt file that will be generated every time files are uploaded.

Once you know the ID for your diagram, you can add it to your page using iframe snippet:

  style="width:100%;height:973px;" src="https://viewer.diagrams.net/#Uhttps%3A%2F%2Fdrive.google.com%2Fuc%3Fid%3D< YOU DIAGRAM ID  >">

Sample diagram with ID of 1_AuCeiL8948uqFoUgKaMDFunMRZLO7Ze would produce following html:


Diagrams Folder

Public diagrams folder is owned by service account devops@governance-foundation.iam.gserviceaccount.com

governance.foundation (1R1dso_ZO6BfbRrCm5lYKEVkCv1ZtsO-X)
  dxp (17yuwLoktRbeY43FPR_NEnmRqzyaCIQi8)
    diagrams [Public](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eEIlz-qj75jd7TGKlkZ7S_pGt2OSQwIE) (1eEIlz-qj75jd7TGKlkZ7S_pGt2OSQwIE)

GDrive Container Commands

You will need to have SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON variable with Service Account Json configured for this to work.

List all files

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/gdrive -e SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON gvfn/gdrive --config /gdrive --service-account-evar SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON list

Delete folder

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/gdrive -e SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON gvfn/gdrive --config /gdrive --service-account-evar SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON delete --recursive 1i5_LRApsAGaYY3Vqw301IX9SgoFkxs5V

Show help

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/gdrive -e SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON gvfn/gdrive help share

Login into GDrive docker container

docker run --rm --entrypoint="" -v `pwd`:/gdrive gvfn/gdrive sh

Sync Upload all file in current dir to Diagrams folder

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/gdrive -e SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON gvfn/gdrive --config /gdrive --service-account-evar SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON sync upload /gdrive 1eEIlz-qj75jd7TGKlkZ7S_pGt2OSQwIE

Share a folder

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/gdrive -e SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON gvfn/gdrive --config /gdrive --service-account-evar SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON sync upload /gdrive 1eEIlz-qj75jd7TGKlkZ7S_pGt2OSQwIE

Get List of files

docker run -rm -v `pwd`:/gdrive -e SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON gvfn/gdrive --config /gdrive --service-account-evar SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON list>_gdrive_diagrams_list.txt

Get Status of Drive

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/gdrive -e SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON gvfn/gdrive --config /gdrive --service-account-evar SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON about>>_gdrive_diagrams_list.txt


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